People want to see something that shows them you can do what you say. That’s the trick. (Christopher Nolan)

Yeah! My latest article was already article number 25 about free dofollow backlinkswhat a thrill! But what’s the benefit of all this work? How far did this site come you want to know by now? Take a look:

screenshot backlinkguide ahrefs 48 dr domain rating

42 days ago ahrefs started counting at a domain rating of zero, now we’ve already got a solid DR 48 – even though I did it slowly.

screenshot backlinkguide ahrefs

From zero to hero and that’s not the end of the line! Let’s celebrate it with some fantastic backlinks that helped me gain my domain rating. Now that we have a solid base of small and not-so-small helpers for our link-building strategy let’s catch some big fish with a little SEO trick I’ve learned.

Today I want to show you that I really can do what I say with three very special links, that will bring you way further with your domain authority or domain rating at MOZ or ahrefs. Also, they will help you with your SEO at Google and should be part of your link-building strategy. I will show you how to get free high-quality dofollow backlinks from

  • the RSS-Feed-Service / RSS-Reader Feedly (ahrefs DR 91)
  • the nonprofit sharing organization Creative Commons (ahrefs DR 94)
  • the streaming platform YouTube (ahrefs DR 98)

without paying a dime!

Please note: All shown methods are legal, so-called white hat SEO, and it is no big deal to get the backlinks if you just have the know-how. So let me show you these amazing magic tricks…

SEO trick #1: Create free dofollow backlinks from

Feedly is an RSS-Feed-Service / RSS-Reader for websites and blogs, just like Google FeedBurner. As long as your website or blog provides a clean RSS-Feed this service will work just perfectly. If your using WordPress your feed is composed of your URL and /feed/. In my case it is By the way: You can use this RSS-Feed also at the and

All you have to do now is to combine the URL of your feed with, then it should look like this:

If you open that long URL in your browser it will change its format to a server-friendly link, in my case it is  The website that opens will show the headlines, the description, and the first picture of your article in the feed.

screenshot backlinkguide rss feed

Every single link is a high-quality dofollow backlink to your project. There is no need to sign up or pay for anything. You just have to publish this URL with all of your little helpers we’ve created so far in this link building tutorial:

After a few days the crawlers and bots of Google, MOZ, and ahrefs should have been there and counted the new backlinks as really precious content links. Ka-ching!

screenshot backlinkguide ahrefs

SEO trick #2: Create a free dofollow backlink from

Please read this carefully: “Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that helps overcome legal obstacles to the sharing of knowledge and creativity to address the world’s pressing challenges.” In other words: Everything you link with a Creative Commons License will be public domain/license free/free to use for everyone on the world wide web. Whether it is a piece of art, photography, or your knowledge in form of an article. Everyone can use it under the terms and conditions on this site.

Google and other services love the idea of free internet, so backlinks from here will give you a lot of power. But you really shouldn’t refer to your whole website or blog to get this mighty backlink. Use it just for one or two articles that will do you no harm, it will be more than enough.

All you have to do now is to combine your preferred article or webpage with, then it should look like this:

If you open that long URL in your browser the webpage will be created and show you the legal terms and conditions of the service. Feel free to take a look at mine: In this case, I offer my SEO knowledge to the whole wide world.

screenshot backlinkguide SEO license

The source code for the Creative Commons License button on your blog or website doesn’t have to be integrated, the backlink will work anyway.

screenshot backlinkguide ahrefs

If you really want to set your whole domain under a Creative Commons License use the following long link and change the parts marked red with your data:

In my case I offer my knowledge to the world for free, as long as they mention my name:

There is no need to sign up or pay for anything, but you have to publish this URL once again with the full power of all of your little helpers we’ve created so far in this link building tutorial::

After a few days the crawlers and bots of Google, MOZ, and ahrefs should have been there and counted the new backlink as a precious content link.

SEO trick #3: Create a free dofollow backlink from

Trust me, I’m not cheating: You can get a free dofollow backlink from YouTube with a simple trick, even if you don’t believe that. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but with this simple referral URL will give you that link, so use it – even if it’s thin content. I can tell you one thing for sure: ahrefs loves it!

Like before you have to combine this URL with your domain, just like this one:

Here is my link and that is what it looks like in the german language:

screenshot backlinkguide referral trick

It’s a simple YouTube leaving page, but with a fully working dofollow backlink!

Once again there is no need to sign up or pay for anything, but you have to publish this URL very strong with the full power of all the help you can get:

Indexing this very strong link may take several weeks, but it’s worth all the work. My YouTube dofollow backlink for backlinkguide still isn’t indexed at ahrefs, but for my other blog it already works as you can see here:

screenshot fernwehblog ahrefs

Other strong referral links for your blog or website…

Of course, there are many other trick links like these three, and I will show some more of them to you in a few weeks. There are different links from Google in any language and from almost any subdomain, governmental domains like, educational links from the University of Cambridge with, and even one from the United Nations with  All of them are great to raise your domain authority or domain ranking, but their benefit for the search engines is questionable. Anyway: Most of the link builders love them! So why don’t give it a try?

Please write a comment below if the links don’t work as described or are offline.
I want to keep this information up to date for every user.

White Hat SEO: What if I told you SEO is not about cheating Google?

White Hat SEO: What if I told you SEO is not about cheating Google?

For your information: I’m gonna slow down the frequency of my articles now a little bit, but the quality will stay the same. Enjoy my tips and spread the link, but with a dofollow backlink, pretty please – that will be great! And if you wanna say thank you then buy me a coffee:

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Disclaimer: All used logos and pictures are screenshots from the websites of,,, and The funny Matrix white hat SEO Meme I found on a Meme-Website on the internet.

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