Focusing on quality [backlinks] over quantity is what can help to protect your site as Google updates. (Adam Riemer,

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Screenshot Startpage Social Bookmarking free backlinks

This second source for good free dofollow backlinks from my link building strategy tutorial is another pretty cool social bookmark page named Right now it has already a ahrefs DR 68 and will help you to create backlinks step by step for your SEO.

Screenshot register Social Bookmarking free backlinks

  1. On the upper left corner of the homepage of you can REGISTER NOW
  2. Choose the preferred name of your startpage
  4. Continue your registration with e-mail and password
  5. You can skip the next sites
  6. In the meanwhile you will receive a confirmation mail . Please confirm your e-mail-address!
  7. If you like you can use the new Chrome browser extension for Protopage – I’ve dismissed this message.
  8. You will find some tutorials and tips on your first personal start page – read ’em or not… 😉
  9. Now feel free an give your page a name, that will be the title tag for SEO

Screenshot edit your personal

Next step should be to erase all the pre-selected widgets with news and weather. This start page should be about your project and your link building. Just click the cross to delete the selected widgets from your page and confirm. Also you can delete tabs you don’t need.

Create dofollow backlinks with

On the upper right corner you will find a menu where you can add widgets. A huge menu will appear as soon as you’ve clicked that button. You can do so much with this start page, but it’s up to you. Down below I’ve edited it to the section we really need.

Screenshot add widgets

We only need the BOOKMARKS and the NEWS FEED.

  1. Choose BOOKMARKS
  2. Grab and drag the little box to the place you want it
  3. Edit the Bookmarks box and delete all of the pre-selected bookmarks
  4. Feel free to create all the backlinks you want to publish and give them the Keyword you want

Screenshot Edit Bookmarks create free dofollow backlinks

Save it as soon as you’re done. You can edit, sort and delete it any time you want it. This new dofollow backlinks are already public now and can be indexed by Google and the other bots.

Add your RSS-Feed as a News Widget

Screenshot add news widget rss-feed create free dofollow backlinks

Now that’s a pretty cool feature, because the RSS-Feed of your blog or website will be indexed automatically.

Screenshot edit news widget rss-feed

If you activate HEADLINES AND PREVIEWS your published feed will show also the first picture of the article. That will give you free dofollow backlinks for every single blog post as soon as it is online – you have to do nothing. Aint’ that great?


Screenshot Backlinkguides customized

Feel free to customize your personal startpage at the menu SETTINGS with other colors or your own wallpaper as background. You can also use different tabs for different kind of links.

Share your new backlink

Copy this new link – in my case it’s Now you should bookmark it also in your browser, because you will need it every single day you are going to build links.

Of course you also have to publish this link to get indexed, I’ll share it on this page and on, as shown in the last article. Already existing Social Media Channels will also be great.  But in this tutorial a lot of websites where you can publish this link will follow.

SEO thank you for the backlink

You’re welcome!

Please write a comment below if the link doesn’t work as described or is offline. I want to keep this information up to date for every user.

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Disclaimer: The cool picture in the header is from d3images at under a Creative Commons License. All the other pictures are screenshots from the website and the meme is from the world wide web.

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