Go big or go home. Because it’s true. What do you have to lose? (Eliza Dushku, actress at IMDb.com)

So let’s go big! For the following chapter with a lot of landing pages we will need some channels to publish. Remember my link building strategy: For a successful SEO you have to strengthen your backlink sources also, not only your own blog or website.

Not everyone of the big social media channels gives you good backlinks, but at least some of the new ones do. Just like the last hint I gave you with telegram you can earn a lot of reputation for your domain with backlinks from big websites. I will give you at least seven more real cool URL’s, where you can get some high rated free dofollow backlinks for your link building. And we will start with the biggest movie database in the world wide web – https://www.imdb.com/!

Screenshot Homepage imdb.com

Sign up for free at IMDb.com

I have to search a lot to learn, how to get free backlinks from IMDb.com and it was worth all the work. Once you know how to build links on your IMDb profile, the possibilities are unlimited. But I avoid overusing such valuable link sources.Screenshot sign up register create a new account imdb.com

First of all sign up for free here:
Just use the button CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.
(I would always prefer to use the email address for these kind of registrations.)

Screenshot create your IMDb ccount imdb.com

Insert your  name, email and password, click CREATE YOUR IMDb ACCOUNT and solve the captcha puzzle.

Screenshot verify create your IMDb account imdb com

Confirm your email by entering the OTP number from the mail.
(Yes, all of this reminds a bit of amazon, just because they are related.)

Now you are already a registered user of IMDb.com! Feel free to upload a picture of you at the Profile Checklist right after your first login.

Create free backlinks on IMDb.com

If you ever ask yourself how to get backlink on IMDb, here is the answer:

Screenshot dashboard menu account settings imdb.com

Go to the upper right corner, open the MENU of the DASHBOARD and click ACCOUNT SETTINGS https://www.imdb.com/registration/accountsettings .

Screenshot account settings edit profile imdb.com

Click the link for EDIT PROFILE https://www.imdb.com/activity/editprofile.

Screenshot create backlinks edit profile bio imdb.com

Here you EDIT the USER ID to a name you prefer, but it is not necessary.

Now edit the BIO, feel free to write a little story or just insert your links with a code like these:


or for a longer URL

[link=https://domain.name/keyword-anchor/]Keyword Anchor[/link]

Hit the SAVE DESCRIPTION button and don’t be alarmed if you’re logged out after saving – sometimes that happens.

Now we want to see if our new created backlinks work. So go back to the dashboard in the upper right corner, click YOUR RATINGS (https://www.imdb.com/list/ratings) and there you can see your profile link. Just delete /ratings in the URL and there is your brand new IMDb profile with a bunch of free high quality dofollow backlinks. (If you know a better way to get to your URL please let me know!)

Screenshot dofollow backlinks profile imdb.com

Here is mine: https://www.imdb.com/user/ur147692261/

As always: Share your new created link!

Of course you also have to share and publish this link to get it indexed. I’ve already shared it on this page, on lasso.net, protopage.com, AllMyFaves.comstart.me, diigo.com, ProvenExpert.com and telegram as shown in the last articles. Other already existing Social Media Channels will also be great. But in my SEO blog I will soon show you a lot of free landing pages and profiles where you can publish it with a lot of linkjuice. Please be patient, as this link is already really high rated it could take some time to be indexed at Google or ahrefs.

Please write a comment below if the link doesn’t work as described or is offline. I want to keep this information up to date for every user.

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Disclaimer: All the pictures and logos are screenshots from the website of IMDb.com.

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