Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy. (Marshall Field)

Thankfully we live in times, where you can get rich with websites and blogs – at least if we know to promote them in the right way. Link building for your SEO is one of the keys to your success with Google and all the other search engines. Are you ready to do something unusual for your project? Today is a cheat day because we’re going to lie about the place we live – at least if we don’t live in the beautiful United States of America. is a real estate service website for the greatest country in the world with a pretty high DomainRank. So why not use that power? Let me show you how…

screenshot homepage

Create a free account at

screenshot create new account

First of all sign up for free and create a new account at by clicking on Sign In on the upper right side of the screen. Here you can click on NEW ACCOUNT. Please notice, that not every freemail service will be accepted. Of course you have to confirm your email by clicking the link in the cornfirmation mail.

Now it’s getting tricky: Beside your basic login data you have to check the box for I AM A LANDLORD OR INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL. Choose a PROFESSIONAL TYPE, use an existing Zip Code from a town in the USA and a phone number with the fitting area code. You may copy the data above, but please vary the last numbers. Click CONTINUE to get to the next screen.

Create free dofollow backlinks at

screenshot edit profile information

Yes, makes it easy and show you already the place where you can get your free high-quality dofollow backlinks. But there are a lot of serious questions which need to be answered. So take your time to fill out at least the mandatory fields.

screenshot create free dofollow backlinks

If you scroll down you can see the place where you can put in your blog and website URLs, as well as some social media channels. Hit SUBMIT to save the profile information. All these links will be dofollow backlinks!

screenshot profile backlinkguide

That is what my profile at looks like: – and it really works! But that is not all… you can also get some free dofollow backlinks with an anchor text of your choice from your about me section!screenshot edit about me

Just click on EDIT – ABOUT ME on the right side of the screen in your dashboard.

screenshot create free dofollow backlinks about me

Feel free to insert a link to whatever you want, but please don’t abuse it – your account may be deleted sooner or later. Other users of tihs service can report your profile with just one click and then all the work was for nothing.

If you now click on VIEW PUBLIC PROFILE you will see your profile with all the beautiful dofollow backlinks from this high-quality website.

screenshot backlinkguide profile

Finally let me tell you one thing: ahrefs loves and will give you some extra points for that backlink once it is indexed.

Read more about the American online real-estate marketplace company

Don’t forget to share your newly created backlink!

Like always you have to share and publish these new links to get them indexed as fast as possible. I’ve already shared it on this page, on,,,,,,,, and telegram as shown in the last articles. We need some more power than usual for this site. All other already existing Social Media Channels with outgoing dofollow links will also be very helpful. But in my link-building tutorial, I will soon show you a lot more free landing pages and profiles where you can publish them with a lot more link juice. This URL could take some time to be indexed at Google and ahrefs.

Please write a comment below if the link doesn’t work as described or is offline.
I want to keep this information up to date for every user.

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Disclaimer: All the pictures and logos are screenshots from the website of

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